Finish the Mix Step-By-Step Mixing and Mastering Course for Logic Pro Users

What if you had a Step-by-Step System you could follow every time you sat down to mix your music, that removed all the guesswork of mixing?

Learn the systematic approach for nailing that space, clarity and punch for your music again and again.

Finally - Mixing & Mastering Courses All About

Logic Pro

Chris Vandeviver - Producer, Mix Engineer and Founder of Why Logic Pro Rules

Hey there,

I'm Chris Vandeviver. Producer, mix engineer, and founder of Why Logic Pro Rules.

I help thousands of home musicians like yourself get the most out of Logic Pro.

When I bought my first Macbook with Logic I thought:

"This is it! I'll never need to step foot into a recording studio again."


Ever since I was little, I knew the one thing I was meant do to in life was create and make music. The moment I heard music on the radio, I was hooked.

So I made it my life's goal to pursue music. I joined bands, rehearsed, played shows, and even toured around the United States.

My favorite part was going into the recording studio to record new music. It felt like my own personal musical playground where I could see my dreams come to life.

But as time went on, every band I was in would eventually break up. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't rely on my bands over the long-haul.

All my bandmates were great people! But making music is a tough gig. It takes a lot of time and money. And everyone's priorities never matched up as time went on.

I even quit making music for a few years. But over time I realized how hard it was for me to not make music. It was like a huge piece of myself had been stolen from me.

I knew creating music was in my blood. But I needed to figure out how I could do it without all the stress and disappointment.

Then in 2008, my friend showed me how he was making music with nothing more than a Macbook.

My friend showed me how all he needed was his Macbook, an audio interface, and some recording software to put it all together.

This was exactly what I was looking for with my own music! No more relying on the middle men of bands and studios.

So I bought a MOTU interface, some KRK Rockit monitors, and handful of microphones. Then I bought the classic white Macbook from a couple off of Craigslist for $600.

And thanks to my friend, he bestowed to me the best gift of all - a copy of Logic Pro 8.

I immediately got to work. Hired another friend to record drums for my songs. Then I would record my bass, guitars, and vocals.

It took a while, but I eventually cobbled together 5 rock songs I was super proud of. Possibly the most dynamic material I had ever written at the time.

All that was left was to mix and master my new album. I knew mixing wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to learn.

So I set up all my gear in my basement, opened Logic, and started pulling up faders, EQs and Compressors...

The problem was - mixing was hard. Like, really hard.

It took me about a month to mix each song. 

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Sound a little crazy? Oh, I know. I felt like I was going crazy! 

But mixing was overwhelming. I mean, I sort of understood EQs and Compressors. Reverb and delay was a ton of fun.  

Every time I thought I was done, I would compare my mixes to my favorite songs to see how they stacked up. And every time something just wasn't... right.

I mean, I knew what a great track was supposed to sound like. I listen to music every day! 

But for some reason no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get the sound I heard in my head to come out of the speakers.

My songs sounded lifeless. Muddy. Indistinct. Like there was a pillow sitting on top of my mixes.

Around this time websites and YouTube channels were popping up all over the internet. They sold a world of making music "in-the-box." That everything I needed was already in front of me.

On the other side of the coin, people on forums like Gearslutz said the exact opposite. That my budget equipment and Logic would never be enough for professional results.

I was lost. In 2008 I had more creative tools than the Beatles had when they recorded any of their albums. So why were my mixes stuck in the mud?

The myth of Googling your way to a great mix.

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Here in 2022 we have an unprecedented amount of free information at our disposal.

It's wonderful! Everything you could ever need to know is only a search result away. And we celebrate this wealth of information.

Most of us try to improve our mixes by:

  1. Spending hours on Google when we run into a hurdle while we mix
  2. Watching hours and hours of YouTube videos for random tips and tactics
  3. Reading books and articles to try and understand what the heck is going on
  4. Mixing by trial and error, spending hours hoping to somehow get the hang of mixing

I did this myself when I first got started recording and mixing. And I try my best now to pay it forward with my website and YouTube channel Why Logic Pro Rules.

But trying to Google or YouTube your way to a better mix is like going on a scavenger every time you have question.

Who the heck has the time for that? Piecing random tips and tactics like a jigsaw puzzle?

And even when you have some tactics down, when do you know your mix is actually done?

I'm not saying mixing and mastering aren't technical skills. Because they are! We're dealing in matters of frequencies and dynamics.

But most mixes and masters rely on the same key strategies over and over.

Nail these key strategies, and you'll have a blueprint that can guide your through any mix.

"So can I actually get great mixes with Logic?"

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Look - mixing is a habit. Chris Lorde-Alge and Andrew Scheps weren't born with "golden ears."

Don't get me wrong - they're the best out there! But they exercised their muscles for mixing for years.

The rest of us don't have years to perfect our mixing skills. We just want to release our music and be confident it sounds the best it can.

Luckily, by breaking down mixing into just a handful of techniques you have everything you need to take on any song you have.

And when you have a system to guide you, you can achieve predictable results.

For the past 10+ years I've slowly pieced together a system that I approach every single mix with. This system has led me to mix for clients from all over the world. They love the results, and I don't need much more than Logic's stock plugins.

A System With Reproducible Results

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The system I use for every mix requires only 2 things:

  1. A handful of strategies
  2. The stock plugins that come with Logic

That's it! 10+ years, thousands of dollars spent on gear and plugins brought me right back to where I started.

You have everything you need right now to finish and release your music. All that's left is the system to crank out consistent results.

Don't believe me? I wouldn't have either years ago.

I don't blame you if you're skeptical. Back in 2008-2009, I was sure my plugins and gear were the weakest links in my chain.

Back Then...

My mixes suck. Even my musician friends can't say anything but,"uh...yeah. They sound okay." But I spent months working on my mixes. My plugins and gear have to be the problem!

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Yeah, it wasn't my plugins that sucked. Because I use the exact same plugins now. My weakest link was the way I approached my mixes.

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Back Then...

Everyone online is talking about Waves plugins, Analog Summing, and preamps. I bet my mixes will improve if I invest in those things!

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Thousands of dollars and years later I can tell you expensive gear wasn't the answer. I do love some 3rd party plugins. But if you took them away my mixes wouldn't suffer.

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Back Then...

Thank goodness for YouTube and Google! Instead of investing in my skills, I'll just search online when I have a question. It can't be all that hard, right?

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Man, that was like driving across the country without a map. YouTube and Google are great, but what I would give to get back the time I spent!

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The difference between back then and now...


Even though I bought the gear, the plugins, and researched my butt off - my mixes only improved little bits at a time.

Sound familiar?

I wanted great mixes. But it wasn't until I changed my approach and adopted a system that I saw results.

It took me over a decade to figure out that system. I tweaked and tested different strategies over a long time.

Luckily for you, you can enjoy the fruits of my labor and see results right now. Without toiling for years.

You can enjoy dramatically better mixes right now.

You just need a system for how you approach ever mix. A handful of strategies you rely on.

Mixing is not like a Jackson Pollock painting. Throwing plugins around in a haphazard way.

Mixing is a system. And I'll show you how to build a system for mixing your own music.


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A step-by-step system for finishing your Logic Projects with confidence - resulting in songs that sound wide, crisp, and professional.


Finish the Mix is an online video course that will help you:


Finish Your Logic Projects...

without the self doubt and second guessing.

Stop the endless Googling...

using a system to turn out great mixes again and again.

Save Thousands of dollars...

using the plugins and gear you already own right now.

Add space, depth, clarity and punch to your mixes...

so you can send your songs into the world.

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Finish the Mix is an 8-module video course that gives you a step-by-step system to break through the noise and finish your songs with confidence.

This course focuses on the tools you already have - Logic's own plugins and instruments.

In this course we'll dig into a rock arrangement that was written and produced using:

- Logic's Drummer & Drum Kit Designer

- Logic's Bass and Guitar Amp Designers

- Vocals recorded in a home studio environment

And using only the Logic plugins, we'll turn our rough demo into a polished and complete track.

No stone left unturned. Nothing mixed off camera. It's as if you were sitting with me in the studio, watching over my shoulder as we mix this song.

But instead of just watching me mix this song, I explain what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it.

The result? A professional, mastered track - plus all the secrets.


Lesson 1: Prepping Your Logic Projects For a Flawless Mix Session

  1. How to quickly dial in a rough mix without opening a single plugin
  2. The exact panning strategy to use for the tracks in your sessions
  3. The 3 most important instruments in any mix (get these right, and the rest is window dressing)


Lesson 2: Mixing Drums and Drum Kit Designer

  1. How to glue your Drummer track's together to sound punchy and locked in
  2. How distortion is the secret sauce to life and vibe for your Drummer tracks (and how to use it tastefully)
  3. The sound you can't hear that's stealing clarity from your mixes (and how to fix it)


Lesson 3: Mixing Bass Guitars

  1. How to dial in a killer bass tone that's both sturdy and present
  2. How to get the bass and kick drum to live together in harmony
  3. The 1176 approach to compression - how a classic compressor can solve our compression woes


Lesson 4: Mixing Vocals

  1. The exact vocal chain I use on every mix for powerful lead vocals
  2. The 2 parallel channels I use on for every vocal to add width and stability
  3. How I stack multiple compressors to tighten up vocals for good


Lesson 5: Mixing Guitars and Keys

  1. The key to EQing guitars for maximum separation
  2. How to give lead guitars space to soar above the mix
  3. Compression strategies for both tightening and enhancing dynamics


Lesson 6: Reverb and Delay

  1. The different ambiences I use on every mix to enhance space and clarity
  2. How to create width and depth with delays (and the exact presets to use)
  3. Why delays can actually be better than reverbs for adding ambience


Lesson 7: Fine-Tuning the Mix

  1. How mixing quickly can actually tune your ears to problem frequencies
  2. How to use automation to add dynamics to your mixes
  3. How to compare and not despair - the right way to use Mix Referencing that most people get wrong


Lesson 8: Mastering

  1. How to "re-engineer" fresh ears for the mastering process
  2. A complete walkthrough of the mastering chain in Logic Pro
  3. How to maximize the loudness of your masters (without destroying their dynamics)

"Hey Chris, I bought your mixing tutorial and love it. Thanks for teaching me how to simplify things. I got caught up for years in over doing it with 50 plugins on a track, now my mixes sound so much better in way way less time."

Frank Z.

Not only will you receive the 8-module system for improving your own mixes, but I've also included bonus content to pump up your music:

  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini Course - This bonus mini-course will help you deliver pitch-perfect vocals for your songs ever time.
  • BONUS: Logic Project and Audio Files From the Course - Want to follow along and mix the song on your own? That's why I included the exact Logic Project from the course for you to mix on your own!
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists - Want an easy checklist to follow as you mix your own songs? I've put together a set of printable checklists to help guide you as you mix.


- You're tired of trying out the latest random tips and tricks

- You know the basics of mixing and mastering, but need some help getting your songs to the next level

- You've bought plugins from other companies who promised big changes – but you haven't seen those changes in your mixes

- You're ready to commit to a system so you can focus on what you love – making music!

"The mixing course has been excellent. My mixes went from 0-100 in a matter of weeks after doing the course. My first six tracks were accepted (and complimented on!) by a well-known London mastering studio, which was a great confidence booster, and have had some great radio airplay and sales. Thanks Chris!"

Claire B.

“I'm still new to mixing & mastering in Logic. Is this course too advanced for me?”

I get it! Maybe you're still trying to get the hang of how a mix actually works. The good news is Finish the Mix is optimized with the beginner in mind. The course focuses on core principles, not overly-complicated plugins.

“I write [rnb, hip hop, country] will the lessons in this course work for me?”

The lessons in Finish the Mix revolve around a rock-based arrangement. But the lessons can be applied to any style of music.

I regularly use the strategies in this course regardless of the music I'm working on - rock, rnb, hip hop or electronic.


“How long will I have access to the Finish the Mix course?”

Finish the Mix is yours for life. You'll have lifetime access to the course and its materials.

Don't have time right now to watch every video? No problem. Watch the course on your schedule. Not the other way around.

“How is Finish the Mix different from other mix courses online?”

Unlike most courses, Finish the Mix is not an exhaustive walkthrough of every mix processor ever. It's a course focused on a systems and strategies to help you mix quickly and efficiently.

Plus, Finish the Mix is entirely dedicated to mixing and mastering in Logic Pro X.

This is what it looks like when you think gear and plugins are the problem:

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Those figures include every piece of gear and plugin I ever bought.


And my setup now is barely bigger than the one I started out with!

Don't make the big mistake I did assuming gear was the problem. Don't wait 10+ years to get great mixes when you can do that right now.

A rock-solid system of core principles is the key to quality mixes and masters.


Plus, My Personal Guarantee:

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Try Finish the Mix For 60 Days, 100% Risk Free

I've put hundreds of hours into building Finish the Mix. Filming, and refilming. Scrutinizing every detail.

I wanted to make sure this course was absolutely valuable to your musical life. And I'm so sure it will be, I want to take on all of the risk for your purchase.

So go ahead. Try out the entire course. If you truly feel that Finish the Mix didn't deliver on its promises, I'll refund you 100% in full.

So why wait?

Watch the course, apply the lessons, enjoy the free bonuses. And if Finish the Mix doesn't improve your mixes – send me an email. Show me that the course didn't help you, and I'll refund you your money.

So hereā€™s what youā€™re getting when you join Finish the Mix:

  • The 8 core Finish the Mix videos - over 6 hours of in-depth step-by-step mixing and mastering system ($400 value)
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini Course - This bonus mini-course will help you deliver pitch-perfect vocals for your songs ever time. ($50 value)
  • BONUS: Logic Project and Audio Files From the Course - Want to follow along and mix the song on your own? Includes the exact Logic Project from Finish the Mix. ($300 value)
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists - Want an easy checklist to follow as you mix your own songs? Printable checklists to guide your workflow. ($30 value)


Total value for all this training = $780

But you can enjoy all this for 1/5 of the cost.

Let me ask you...

If this course could transform your mixes with a step-by-step system you can use to release clear and powerful mixes, isn't it worth it?

If this course could save you tens of thousands of misspent dollars on gear and plugins, isn't it worth it?

Plus: Enjoy an additional 20% off my in-depth mastering course...

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Mastering Breakthroughs is my in-depth, 12-module mastering course for finalizing any track you're working on.

Mastering Breakthroughs expands on the final mastering lesson of Finish the Mix and goes even deeper into the world of mastering.

Watch as I walk you through mastering 3 different tracks using only 5 plugins:

  • Track 1 is a pop song mastered using only Logic Pro Plugins
  • Track 2 is a rock song mastered using Fabfilter plugins
  • Track 3 is a hip hop song mastered using only Izotope's Ozone 9

If you've ever wanted to master the art of mastering, Mastering Breakthroughs is for you. Available when you purchase the First Class level of Finish the Mix.

"I had watched many video's online, and even took some quite expensive courses on mixing. This helped me to gain some basic knowledge, but still I wasn't able to finish a complete mix and be happy with the result.

Then I encountered 'Finish the Mix' by WLPR and it was fantastic - a real game-changer, no less. It gave me a solid structure to work a mix from start to finish. Furthermore, it gave me the confidence that I didn't necessarily need expensive plugins, that the problem was really all about the basics and having a solid structure."

Sanne M.

Get Instant Access to Finish the Mix 

Right Now

My courses are built to help you where you're at right now.

Interested in more custom experience? Check out the options below:



  • Full 8-module Finish the Mix Video Course
  • BONUS: Downloadable Logic Project and audio files
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini-Course
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists to Guide Your Workflow
  • Lifetime Access and fully downloadable videos, templates, and guides
  • One-Time, Custom Mix Critique From Me of One of Your Mixes
  • Full 12-module Mastering Breakthroughs courseĀ 



  • Full 8-module Finish the Mix Video Course
  • BONUS: Downloadable Logic Project and audio files
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini-Course
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists to Guide Your Workflow
  • Lifetime Access and fully downloadable videos, templates, and guides
  • One-Time, Custom Mix Critique From Me of One of Your Mixes
  • Full 12-module Mastering Breakthroughs courseĀ 



  • Full 8-module Finish the Mix Video Course
  • BONUS: Downloadable Logic Project and audio files
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini-Course
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists to Guide Your Workflow
  • Lifetime Access and fully downloadable videos, templates, and guides
  • One-Time, Custom Mix Critique From Me of One of Your Mixes
  • Full 12-module Mastering Breakthroughs courseĀ 

Imagine a month from now.

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You've written and recorded a brand new song.

Everything's perfect - the drums are exactly what you imagined. The bass and guitars are locked in. And you've nailed everything from slamming drums to the perfect vocal takes.

All that's left is to mix and master this puppy.

But this time, something's different. That feeling of dread doesn't creep up anymore at the thought of having to mix your music. The mastering process is no longer shrouded in mystery. And you don't have to wonder anymore:

  • "Does this EQ curve look right?"
  • "Do these Compressor settings make sense?"
  • "What's the best way to pan my tracks?"

And that's because you gave up floundering around YouTube for "tips" and "tricks." You gave up the endless Google search.

Instead of hoping and guessing, you gave your music the best it deserved. You gave your music a system you can rely on again and again for flawless mixing and mastering. Nothing's left up to chance when it comes to your songs.

Now you can focus on the bits you love (And are good at!) – creating awesome music.

 Or you can just keep doing what you're doing right now.

Watching random YouTube videos. Desperately searching Google for clues to make sense of how a mix actually works. Spending money on plugins and gear that you'll forget about months later.

So the choice is yours. You can spend the next 10 years slowly learning how to mix and master your music.

Or you can invest in your music right now with Finish the Mix, and finally finish those songs you've worked so hard on.

Buy Finish the Mix Today!

My courses are built to help you where you're at right now.

Interested in more custom experience? Check out the options below:



  • Full 8-module Finish the Mix Video Course
  • BONUS: Downloadable Logic Project and audio files
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini-Course
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists to Guide Your Workflow
  • Lifetime Access and fully downloadable videos, templates, and guides
  • One-Time, Custom Mix Critique From Me of One of Your Mixes
  • Full 12-module Mastering Breakthroughs courseĀ 



  • Full 8-module Finish the Mix Video Course
  • BONUS: Downloadable Logic Project and audio files
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini-Course
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists to Guide Your Workflow
  • Lifetime Access and fully downloadable videos, templates, and guides
  • One-Time, Custom Mix Critique From Me of One of Your Mixes
  • Full 12-module Mastering Breakthroughs courseĀ 



  • Full 8-module Finish the Mix Video Course
  • BONUS: Downloadable Logic Project and audio files
  • BONUS: Flex Pitch Mini-Course
  • BONUS: PDF Mixing and Mastering Checklists to Guide Your Workflow
  • Lifetime Access and fully downloadable videos, templates, and guides
  • One-Time, Custom Mix Critique From Me of One of Your Mixes
  • Full 12-module Mastering Breakthroughs courseĀ